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- The Witnessi
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principal Jack Hanna "Lisa Kristmann nnnntn vMumm Grade 13 trophy winners posed for photos after troduction by senate NOTICE Children irefighters hold draw BRADORD The Jaunita Rak of Other pri: ON NOVEMBER 8 1982 4 ft VOTE COUNCILLOR PICAVET RED NEILLY Sam Trophy winners Jack Vaughan of Tobermory won a $100 prize for second last ticket drawn 1S Bradford ire annual elimination draw was held Saturday evening with a good turnout Winning the top prize of $1000 cash were Helen Hand and Eileen Boyd GRADE 12 Diplomas were given to (letter after the name indicating honors) Anna Almeida Yvonne Alton Glenn Atkins (H) Donna Karen A JW 1 Grade 12 valedictorians Stan McNally and Steve Gray prepare to cut the cake baked in honor of the BDHS grads The speech a humorous look at the past year1 was received with a standing ovation from the overflow audience Saturday Bruhn (H) David Braining John Cascone (H) Matt Certosimo Bruce Chambers Mike Cino Nancy Jean Clubine Dave Cober Dennise Cochrane Dianne Collings Kirby Constable Tracee Cooke Jav Cridland Mike Curry Theresa Jardine Anne Kell (H) Czachor (H) Scott Day Bruce Brenda DeBest (H) Allan DeWinter Dave Dias (H) Joanne Dushko Scott eaver Dan Jim ielder Mary letcher (H) Sam Gaetano Jay Gasko Sylvia Gasper Greg Gerrits Tammy Gerrits Tracy Good man Barry Goodyear Carrie Gorringe (H) Steve Gray Chris Green Lynda Green Teresa Greenwood Re elect SAM NEILLY ALL IESTA SUPPER riday October 29th Two sittings 5:30 Sr 7 pm Adults 7 Children under 10 Students 11 to 16 1 at i BRADORD UNITED CHURCH graduation exercises Grade 12 and 13 Hinlomas and awards ormer were presented principal Alex Taylor I ollowing the was on hand to present remarks of chairman the John Douglas Matt Certosimo and Grants Introduced by me and greetings from senate music repSimcoe County board of grants were presented education trustee Sam to Linda Bruhn and Tim Neilly secondary school Ledhe certificates of training The York County were handed out Ladies Auxiliary Introduced by student Award presented to a senate grade 13 graduating student in a representative Stuart paramedically related Wright certificates field was presented to were presented to David Wanda Bruyns Adamson Danny Then the secondary Biggar Jack Bowdery school graduation Rosa Caietta Robert diplomas were Chantier Steve Collins presented after an in Chris Martyn Lone McKnight Chris Nash BAA representative Larry Tersigni Paula Terry Lee Toich Carlos veioso Albert Whiteside and Bill Wray TH GARDNER Introduced by student senate grade 12 rep Todd Vestbv the TH Gardner Awards were Auchincloss presented to Bob Bardecki (H) Dan Chantier (highest Bowers Brenda standing) Larry Breedon Joe Brett Tersigni (second John Brosens Glendon or straight forward business like approach to council 1 To encourage and negotiate industrial assessment better participation on council nu Hmiiu please call 775 5377 775 5528 to voice vour opinion or give your support Deanna Gustar An tonietta Gutta Barb were Janice Boudreau of the con 01 A Bratuora Bev iviciQigdii or nraaiora Wayne and Nancy Kneeshaw of RR 1 Gilford? and Glenda Sage of Bradford our hundred tickets were sold for the draw Tnnnitl Other prize winners bwbmmm TnMnn DMtflHnnil looermory was the winner solation prize a color TV set Derrick Hammett Shauna Harlow (H) Jo Anne Harris 1(H) Mike Harris John Harrison (H) Marcia Harvey Stephan Hecking Jamie Hirons Joe Horvath Susan Hughes Pat Illian (H) Mike Jack Alan Jackson Tony Lamo hod Learmonth Rick LeBlanc (H) Tim Ledlie Jim Lennips i Madill Ann Marchant Connie MacDonald Bryan MacPherson1! Theresa Macorano I Annette Marwood Dave Mc Cullough (H) Doug McNally Stan McNally Kim Meher' Joey Mete Alan Minnick Wanda Mitchell? (Margaret Continuer on page 7 Public School Trustee 8 years of experience and dedication On November 8th 1 1 a to 8 pm Your vote would be appreciated To the residents of the Town of Bradford In the interest of safety of the local the Mayor and Council for the Town of Brad ford declare HALLOWEEN to be' leld on Saturday October 30 1 982 Zygmunt enik Mayor The graduation exercises at Bradford District High School They are (from the left) Rick LeBlanc (Student Life Cup) Amer Kalaaji (who received the George Atkinson Trophy' with twin brother Maher (extreme right) and Susan Daley iriuner of the Lions Club Trophy narents" students friends visitors and i staff were on hand Saturday evening for 4 the 123rd Bradford District high school Plumbing Heating Specializing in Gas Oil Heating or tree estimates call: I Merle Woodco*ck 51 John St Bradford 775 2191 Page 2 The Witnoss October 271 982 Bradford high holds commencement BRADORD A highest) Mitch Brown Brown (H) Jim Brown i ITollxr Rrntun Kfitnh PaCKea I1UUBC' vi duiu UICLIIOIHLO iTw a TT TlnJr Un vl zxztlr Tim I'M UnrrYn Barry Goodyear nrown inj umuo wuou uoBai (drafting) Glen Zielke (machine shop) John Cascone (wood working) E)errick Hammett (electricity electronics) JOHN DOUGLAS BDHS I''' I i Vf Ml 'Er: 1 a 1 Eg i 1 1 I I MERLES WWW a'iK Tn TITTTW i I JzTTjaW ji Irl WT iEr 0 A It II 1 O' c3 i UHL kflB Mi fmB iiBIBI g( V' 1 t' i 'i I Is I i I I SIB WKBl i I MW 1 1 I Hb RED PI A VET I I.
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