How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 4, 2024

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Layout and color


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Pricing and value


Testing and feedback


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Menu design is more than just a list of dishes and prices. It is a powerful tool to influence customers' choices, satisfaction, and spending. By applying some principles of menu psychology and marketing, you can create menus that appeal to different times of day and attract more customers. In this article, you will learn how to use factors such as layout, color, language, and pricing to design menus that suit different meal occasions.

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  • Jasmine Lim Strategy | Data to Insights to solutions | Connecting the dots| Market Research | Results-Oriented | Problems Solver|…

    How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (3) 1

How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (4) How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (5) How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (6)

1 Layout and color

The layout and color of your menu can affect how customers perceive your food and beverage offerings. For example, you can use different sections, boxes, or symbols to highlight your signature items, specials, or promotions. You can also use color to create contrast, draw attention, or evoke emotions. For instance, you can use bright colors like yellow, orange, or red to stimulate appetite and energy in the morning, or use darker colors like blue, green, or purple to create a relaxing and cozy atmosphere in the evening.

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  • i will recommend F&B owner have a 1. Comprehensive Menu if you are unable to alter your menu for dinners.2. Lunch vs Dinner menu, that as a different pricing and design vibes Breakfast Lunch Menu - design a menu that is easy to understand and calculate the final pricing that you want consumer to pay. Its great to have a topup upgrade package but keep it simple. Hence the layout of your morning menu should be one that advocate the " feeling" & " quick to decide " layout.Whereas for colors, i will recommend no more than 3 colors code, so that the text and images can standout


2 Language and description

The language and description of your menu can also influence how customers order and enjoy your food and beverage items. For example, you can use descriptive adjectives, sensory words, or geographic labels to make your dishes sound more appealing, unique, or authentic. You can also use positive associations, storytelling, or humor to create a connection with your customers and enhance their experience. For instance, you can use words like "fresh", "homemade", or "local" to emphasize quality and freshness in the morning, or use words like "rich", "decadent", or "indulgent" to tempt customers to treat themselves in the evening.

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3 Pricing and value

The pricing and value of your menu can also affect how customers perceive and respond to your food and beverage items. For example, you can use strategies such as anchoring, bundling, or decoy to influence customers' decisions and increase your sales. You can also use techniques such as removing currency signs, rounding up prices, or offering discounts to make your prices seem more attractive, fair, or affordable. For instance, you can use higher prices to anchor your value and lower prices to attract customers in the morning, or use bundles to upsell and discounts to reward customers in the evening.

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    The average spending $$ for lunch in singapore ranges from $5 - $15. ( Average ) Again we need to consider our COGS (35% max ) + Rental + Labour, so if your rental is cheap, do consider how you can allow better value , so as to create your USP


4 Testing and feedback

The final step in menu design is to test and get feedback from your customers and staff. You can use methods such as surveys, focus groups, or mystery shoppers to collect data and opinions on your menu. You can also use metrics such as sales, profitability, or customer satisfaction to measure the performance and impact of your menu. By testing and getting feedback, you can identify what works and what doesn't, and make adjustments accordingly. For instance, you can test different menus for different times of day and see which one generates more revenue, loyalty, or referrals.

Menu design is a creative and strategic process that can help you appeal to different times of day and grow your food and beverage business. By applying these tips, you can create menus that match your customers' needs, preferences, and expectations, and enhance their dining experience.

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    Singaporean doesn't like to give feedback in general. I will suggest fix every last fri of the month as feedback day instead, where management will visit each outlet and try to fish out real feedback instead


5 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Jasmine Lim Strategy | Data to Insights to solutions | Connecting the dots| Market Research | Results-Oriented | Problems Solver| Future value solutions | FOH/BOH solutions| Customer journey mapping | Training
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    The first step is to find out the different consumer segments and what they are consuming at different time of the day/week. Once that is done, menu can be customized with different customer segments in mind. The data will also provide indication of the non-peak timing. Over the past few years, the trend has been changing from three main meals with morning & afternoon breaks to all day snacking/smaller meals. With this change in consumer eating trend, menu may have to change with higher proportion of snacks than main meals. Trend may differ across country as well, so it is better to review existing data, make observation in market and in store and adapt to the changes.


    How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (39) 1


How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (40)

Food & Beverage Operations

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How can menu design be used to appeal to different times of day? (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.