Policy ID: SEC-028 · Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (2024)

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (1)

Policy ID: SEC-028

Care Plan International Student Health Certificate

Individual Coverage

Policy ID: SEC-028

This policy is administered by:

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (2)

Policy ID: SEC-028

Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident

and Illness coverage while you are temporarily away from your Home Country and studying abroad.

While you are temporarily residing in the United States, there are requirements and instructions on how to

maximize benefits and receive reimbursem*nts for Prescription Medications, Medical claims, and other benefits

covered under this Plan. There are also requirements for Pre-Authorization of specified medical care. Dedicated

GBG Assist personnel are available to assist you.

• Using an In-Network medical Provider in the U.S. provides full reimbursem*nt of eligible medical

expenses after satisfying a Deductible and/or Copayment. See the section titled “Preferred Provider

Network”. For assistance with locating a Provider, you may contact GBG Assist.

• Pre-Authorization is a process for obtaining approval for specified non-emergency, medical procedures

or treatments. Failure to Pre-Authorize when required will result in a reduction in payment by the Insurer. See

the section titled, “Pre-Authorization Requirements and Procedures” for more complete details.

• Prescription Medication must be obtained from any CVS/Caremark pharmacy. Present your Medical

Identification card to the pharmacist and a discount will be applied. Payment is due at the time of purchase.

Follow the claims filing procedures for reimbursem*nt per the benefits shown under the Schedule of Benefits.

See the section titled, “How to File a Claim” for instructions on reimbursem*nt. A list of participating

pharmacies can be viewed at www.gbg.com.

• Hospital Emergency Rooms should only be used in a Medical Emergency situation. A Medical Emergency

situation is where your life or health is in jeopardy. Using an emergency room is very expensive. If you using

an emergency room for convenience or for any reason other than a serious Medical Emergency, benefit will

not be provided under this plan.

How You Can Reach Us

Customer Service, Pre-Authorization, and Help Locating a Provider (24/7)

➢ Worldwide Collect +1.905.669.4920

➢ Inside USA/Canada Toll Free +1.866.914.5333

➢ Email: [emailprotected]

➢ Website: www.gbg.com

We invite you to visit our Member Services Portal at www.gbg.com and register as a New Member. The Member

Services Portal allows you to conveniently access our provider directory, download forms, submit claims, and

utilize other valuable tools and services.

We look forward to providing you with this valuable insurance protection and outstanding service during your

period of study.

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (3)

Policy ID: SEC-028




Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (4)

Policy ID: SEC-028

Table of Contents

SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5

1.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................................................................................................. 9

2.0 ELIGIBILITY........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

3.0 PREMIUM, CANCELLATION, AND PLAN PROVISIONS ....................................................................................................12

4.0 GEOGRAPHIC AREAS OF COVERAGE .....................................................................................................................................13

5.0 PRE-AUTHORIZATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES .......................................................................................13

6.0 HOSPITALIZATION AND INPATIENT BENEFITS ..................................................................................................................14

7.0 OUTPATIENT BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................................................15

8.0 SURGICAL BENEFITS ......................................................................................................................................................................15

9.0 EMERGENCIES..................................................................................................................................................................................15

10.0 MATERNITY CARE ..........................................................................................................................................................................16

11.0 OTHER BENEFITS (INPATIENT/OUTPATIENT) ......................................................................................................................16

12.0 ADDITIONAL BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................................................18

13.0 HOW TO FILE A CLAIM ................................................................................................................................................................19

14.0 COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................................21

15.0 NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES .............................................................................................................................................22

16.0 EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS .............................................................................................................................................24

17.0 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................................28

18.0 SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT .....................................................................................................................................................34

19.0 APPENDIX OF SPORTS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES ...............................................................................................................35

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (5)


Policy ID: SEC-028 5 | P a g e


The Schedule of Benefits is a summary outline of the benefits covered under this insurance plan. All benefits

described are subject to the definitions, exclusions and provisions. The following benefits are subject to the Plan

Participant’s Deductible, Copayment, and Coinsurance amount. After satisfaction of the Deductible and applicable

Copayments, the Insurer will pay eligible benefits set forth in this Schedule at the specified Plan Coinsurance and

Reimbursem*nt Level.


U.S. Provider Network Aetna

Area of Coverage Worldwide, Excluding Home Country

Home Country Coverage Excluded

Maximum Benefit Payable per Period of Insurance $500,000 per Injury/Illness

Lifetime Maximum Unlimited

Individual Deductible1

• In-Network Provider

• Out-of-Network Provider

• Family is 2x Individual



Office Visit Copayment2

• Student Health Center

• Primary Care Physician / Specialist Physician

• Urgent Care




Hospital Copayment2 $250 per Admission

Emergency Room Copayment2

(waived if admitted) $250 per Occurrence


• Family is 2x individual

$2,000 In-Network (excluding Deductible)

Unlimited if an Out-of-Network Provider in

the U.S. is used

1 The Deductible for In-Network does not accrue towards the Out-of-Network Deductible. 2 Copayments do not apply to the Deductible or the Out-of-Pocket Maximum. 3 The Deductible does not apply to the Out-of-Pocket Maximum.

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (6)


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Subject to Deductible, Coinsurance, Copayment, and Maximum

Benefit per Period of Insurance.


The following Coinsurance applies for In-Network Providers

in the U. S. or for expenses incurred outside the U.S. (if

available). Coinsurance reduces to 70% UCR when Out-of-

Network Providers in the U.S. are used.


Accommodations including semi-private room

• $250 Copayment per Admission 80% Preferred Allowance

Intensive Care/Cardiac Care 80% Preferred Allowance

Inpatient Consultation by a Physician or Specialist 80% Preferred Allowance

Diagnostic Testing and Hospital Miscellaneous

Expenses 80% Preferred Allowance

Pre-Admission Testing 80% Preferred Allowance


Physician Visit/Consultation by Specialist

• $15 Copayment/Student health center

• $30 Copayment/Primary Care or Specialist

• $30 Copayment/Urgent Care

80% Preferred Allowance

Diagnostic Testing

• X-Ray and Laboratory

• MRI, PET, and CT Scans

• Office visit Copayment applies when testing is done

outside an office visit

80% Preferred Allowance


Inpatient, Outpatient, or Ambulatory Surgery


• Surgeon’s Fees

• Assistant Surgeon and Anesthesiologist

• Facility fees

• Laboratory tests

• Medications and dressings

• Other medical services and supplies

80% Preferred Allowance


Emergency Room and Medical Services

• $250 Copayment waived, if admitted

• Non-emergency use of the emergency room is Not


80% Preferred Allowance

Ambulance Services

• Emergency Local Ground Ambulance 80% Preferred Allowance

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (7)


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Emergency Dental

• Limited to accidental Injury of sound natural teeth

sustained while covered

80% Preferred Allowance


Subject to Deductible, Coinsurance, Copayment, and Maximum

Benefit per Period of Insurance.


The following Coinsurance applies for In-Network Providers

in the U. S. or for expenses incurred outside the U.S. (if

available). Coinsurance reduces to 70% UCR when Out-of-

Network Providers in the U.S. are used.


Normal Delivery or Medically Necessary C-Section,

prenatal, postnatal care and complications of pregnancy 80% Preferred Allowance


Mental Health

• To treat a covered diagnosis 80% Preferred Allowance

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

• Office visit Copayment applies 80% Preferred Allowance

Therapeutic Termination of Pregnancy 80% Preferred Allowance

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy 80% Preferred Allowance

Physical Therapy

• Office visit Copayment applies 80% Preferred Allowance

Diabetic Medical Supplies

• Includes insulin pumps and associated supplies

80% Preferred Allowance

up to $7,500

Durable Medical Equipment

• Reimbursem*nt of rental up to the purchase price 80% Preferred Allowance

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Human

Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV+), AIDS Related

Complex (ARC), Sexually transmitted diseases and all

related conditions

• Office visit Copayment applies

80% Preferred Allowance

Prescription Medications

• Up to 31-day supply per prescription

• CVS/Caremark network pharmacy is required

80% of Charges

Motor Vehicle Accident

• Injuries caused by Accident

• Office visit Copayment applies

80% Preferred Allowance

Sports and other Activities

• Injuries arising from leisure sports and activities 80% Preferred Allowance

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (8)


Policy ID: SEC-028 8 | P a g e


Subject to Deductible, Coinsurance, Copayment, and Maximum

Benefit per Period of Insurance.


The following Coinsurance applies for In-Network Providers

in the U. S. or for expenses incurred outside the U.S. (if

available). Coinsurance reduces to 70% UCR when Out-of-

Network Providers in the U.S. are used.


Medical Evacuation/Repatriation


Return of Mortal Remains 100%

War and Terrorism Included

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (9)


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The Policyholder is the International Benefit Trust, hereinafter shall be referred to as the “Trust”.

The Insurer, the second party, GBG Insurance Limited, hereinafter shall be referred to, sometimes collectively, as

the “Insurer”, “We” “Us”, or “Company”.

The declarations of the Plan Participant and eligible Dependents in the application serve as the basis for

participation in the Trust. If any information is incorrect or incomplete, or if any information has been omitted, the

insurance coverage may be rescinded or terminated. Any references in this Certificate to the Plan Participant and

his Dependents that are expressed in the masculine gender shall be interpreted as including the feminine gender

whenever appropriate.

No change may be made to this Certificate unless it is approved by an Officer of the Insurer. A change will be valid

only if made by a Rider signed by an Officer of the Insurer. No agent or other person may change this Certificate

or waiver any of its provisions.

This GBG Insurance Limited Plan is an international health insurance Policy issued to the Trust. This insurance shall

be governed by the Laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the courts of England

and Wales, and the Plan Participant should be aware that laws governing the terms, conditions, benefits and

limitations in health insurance policies issued and delivered in other countries including the United States are not

applicable. If any dispute arises as to the interpretation of this document, the English version shall be deemed to

be conclusive and taking precedence over any other language version of this document. GBG Insurance Limited is

an insurance company incorporated in Guernsey with registration number 42729 and licensed by the Guernsey

Financial Services Commission to conduct insurance business under the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey)

Law, 2002 as amended.

In the event of any conflict between the Master Policy and the Schedule of Benefits, the Schedule of Benefits will



2.1 Eligible Classes International full-time students (as defined by the educational institution) enrolled in an associate, bachelor,

master, or Ph.D. program at a university or other recognized higher education institution outside of their Home

Country. The full-time requirement is waived for summer if the student was enrolled in this Plan as a full-time

student in the immediately preceding spring term. Home study, correspondence, and online courses do not fulfill

the eligibility requirements that the student actively attend class.

Students must actively attend classes. The Insurer has the right to investigate eligibility status and attendance

records to verify eligibility requirements are met. If it is discovered the eligibility requirements are not met, the

insurance coverage will be terminated.

2.2 Persons Eligible to be a Plan Participant Plan Participants are those persons described as an Eligible Class.

• Minimum age is 12 years and maximum is 40 years,

• Student must have a current passport and be travelling outside their Home Country.

• Student must have a valid F1 or M visa. F1 visa holder on OPT are not eligible.

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• Student must be an Undergraduate or a Graduate, registered and attending classes on a full-time basis.

Students who are United States citizens living in the United States are not eligible for coverage.

2.3 Eligible Dependents Coverage can be extended to the following family members who are travelling with the student. Insured

Dependents may include:

• The spouse or domestic partner up to age 40,

• Dependent children up to age 26, if single. Dependent children include the Plan Participant’s natural

children, legally adopted children, and step children.

Dependents who are United States citizens living in the United States are not eligible for coverage.

2.4 Application and Effective Date The Plan Participant’s coverage becomes effective on the Effective Date shown on the Face Page. Coverage under

the plan ends on the earlier of:

• On the expiration date of the insurance coverage. However, if a Plan Participant’s return is delayed due to

unforeseeable circ*mstances beyond their control, the insurance coverage will be extended until such trip

can be completed, but no later than seven days from the original insurance coverage expiration, or

• If medical evacuation was necessary, upon the Plan Participant’s evacuation to the Home Country.

• Termination of coverage of the Plan Participant also terminates coverage for Dependents.

Note: The minimum period of insurance must be the entire duration the Plan Participant actively attends classes.

Eligible individuals may enroll onto the plan no earlier than 30 days prior to the start of their classes, and

terminate coverage no later than 30 days after classes have ended (See Extended Coverage).

2.5 Pre-Existing Conditions Limitations This Plan provides coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions on the following basis:

• Student: Pre-Existing Conditions are covered upon satisfaction of a 180-day Waiting Period.

• Dependent spouse and children: Pre-Existing are covered upon satisfaction of a 24-month Waiting Period.

2.6 Addition of a Newborn Baby or Legally Adopted Child Born Under a Pregnancy Covered by the Maternity Benefit or Adopted as of the Date of Birth:

Newborn babies will be covered as a Dependent, for full coverage according to the terms of the Policy, regardless

of medical status from the date of birth provided:

• Written notification is made to the Insurer within 31 days of the date of birth, or in the case of an adopted

child, a copy of the legal adoption papers is required. The newborn child shall be accepted from the date

of birth

• The newborn baby will be enrolled for the same coverage as the Plan Participant.

Any request received beyond the 31-day notification period shall result in coverage only being effective from the

date of notification and provisional coverage will be applied for the first 31 days of life, up to a $5,000 maximum.

Coverage is not guaranteed and is subject to submission of a medical statement.

Born When a Plan Participant is Not Covered by the Maternity Benefit: Newborn babies, that are born and

the Plan Participant is not covered by the maternity benefit under this plan, may be covered subject to the


• The Plan Participant will provide written notification to the Insurer (Official Copy of Birth Certificate), and

• A health statement must be submitted detailing the medical history of the child,

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (11)


Policy ID: SEC-028 11 | P a g e

• Coverage will become effective as of the date of notification, provided the Insurer has approved the

health statement, Coverage is not guaranteed and is based upon the health of the newborn baby,

• Any applicable Pre-Existing Condition limitation will apply.

2.7 Addition of a Legally Adopted Child after the Date of Birth A child adopted after the date of birth may be covered providing the following applies:

• The child must be up to 19 years old, and

• The Plan Participant will provide written notification to the Insurer (an official copy of the legal adoption

papers is required with the notification), and

• A health statement must be submitted detailing the medical history of the child.

Coverage will be contingent based upon the terms and conditions of the plan. Additionally,

• Coverage will become effective as of the date of notification, and

• Any applicable Pre-Existing Condition limitation will apply.

2.8 Extended Coverage The Extended Coverage benefit is available to newly enrolled students who arrive in the United States prior to the

beginning of the first term of study in the United States, or Plan Participants who have completed their final term

of study in the United States and are preparing to return to the Home Country. The Extended Coverage benefit

provides up to 30 days of additional coverage.

Extended Coverage does not apply to Plan Participants who are continuing their studies or returning to studies in

the United States whether at the same or different institutions.

Newly-Enrolled and Arriving Students

In order to be eligible for the Extended Coverage Benefit and before any benefits will be paid:

1. A newly-enrolled and arriving student must have enrolled in full-time studies at the higher education

institution, and

2. All premiums must be paid.

Coverage under the Extended Coverage Benefit will become effective on the later of:

1. 30 days prior to the beginning of the term, or, if later,

2. On the first day the qualifying, newly-enrolled and arriving student arrives in the United States.

Students Concluding their Studies

A Plan Participant may extend coverage for a maximum of 30 days while remaining in the United States following

graduation or completion of an educational program. To be eligible for the Extended Coverage benefit and before

any benefits will be paid:

1. The Insurer must receive the request for Extended Coverage prior to the termination of the Plan

Participant’s coverage, and

2. All premiums must be paid.

Coverage under the Extended Coverage Benefit will terminate on the earlier of:

1. 30 days following the Plan Participant’s graduation or completion of an educational program, or

2. The date of departure from the United States.

Dependents of Plan Participants who are covered under the Extended Coverage benefit may also continue

coverage under the same terms and conditions as the Plan Participant.

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3.1 Premium Payment All Premiums are payable before coverage is provided.

3.2 Cancellation While the Insurer shall not cancel this plan because of eligible claims made by a Plan Participant, it may at any

time terminate a Plan Participant, or modify coverage to different terms, if the Plan Participant has at any time:

• Misled the Insurer by misstatement or concealment,

• Knowingly claimed benefits for any purpose other than are provided for under this Plan,

• Agreed to any attempt by a third party to obtain an unreasonable pecuniary advantage to the Insurer’s

detriment, and

• Failed to observe the terms and conditions of this Plan, or failed to act with utmost good faith.

If the Plan Participant cancels the insurance coverage after it has been issued, or reinstated the Insurer will not

refund the unearned portion of the Premium.

3.3 Rate Modifications The insurance coverage term begins on the Effective Date as shown on the Face Page and ends at midnight on the

date shown , but no longer than 365 days later. The coverage is not subject to guaranteed issuance or renewal.

3.4 Duration of Coverage Benefits are paid to the extent that a Plan Participant receives any of the treatments covered under the Schedule

of Benefits following the Effective Date, including any additional Waiting Periods and up to the date such

individual no longer meets the definition of Plan Participant, or their last date of coverage as listed on the Face


3.5 Compliance with the Plan Terms The Insurer’s liability will be conditional upon each Plan Participant complying with its terms and conditions.

3.6 Fraudulent/Unfounded Claims If any claim is in any respect fraudulent or unfounded, all benefits paid and/or payable in relation to that claim

shall be forfeited and, if appropriate, recoverable.

3.7 Waiver Waiver by the Insurer of any term or condition will not prevent us from relying on such term or condition


3.8 Denial of Liability Neither the Insurer nor the Policyholder is responsible for the quality of care received from any institution or

individual. This insurance coverage does not give the Plan Participant any claim, right or cause of action against

the Insurer or Policyholder based on an act of omission or commission of a Hospital, Physician or other provider

of care or service.

Policy ID: SEC-028· Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (13)


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4.1 Areas of Coverage The plan is written on a Worldwide basis, excluding the Home Country.

4.2 Preferred Provider Network The Insurer maintains a Preferred Provider Network both within and outside the United States.

United States only:

• In-Network Preferred Provider: This tier consists of all Providers as well as other preferred Providers

designated by the Insurer and listed on the website. In-Network Providers have agreed to accept a

Preferred Allowance as payment in full. The Medical Identification Card contains the logo for the network.

Present it to the Physician or Hospital.

• Out-of-Network Provider: Utilizing Providers that are Out-of-Network is a more costly financial option

for the Plan Participant. The Insurer reimburses such Providers up to an Allowable Charge as determined

by the Insurer. The Provider may bill the Plan Participant the difference between the amounts reimbursed

by the Insurer and the Provider’s billed charge. Additionally, the Plan Participant will pay a Coinsurance

amount that is higher than if an In-Network Provider were used.

• Out-of-Network Area: When there are no network Providers located within a 30-mile radius of your local

residence, charges from such Providers will be treated the same as a U.S. In-Network Preferred Provider.

All other Countries: If your Plan provides benefits outside the U.S., then the Plan Participant may utilize any

licensed Provider. However, we suggest the Plan Participant contact GBG Assist to locate a Provider with a direct

billing arrangement with the Insurer.

The Insurer retains the right to limit or prohibit the use of Providers which significantly exceed Allowable Charges.


Pre-Authorization is a process by which a Plan Participant obtains approval for certain medical procedures or

treatments prior to the commencement of the proposed medical treatment. This requires the submission of a

completed Pre-Authorization Request form to GBG Assist a minimum of five business days prior to the scheduled

procedure or treatment date.

The following services require Pre-Authorization:

• Any Hospitalization;

• Outpatient or Ambulatory Surgery;

• All Cancer Treatment (Including Chemotherapy and Radiation);

• Prescription medications in excess of $3,000 per refill; and

• Medical Evacuation/Repatriation involving Air Ambulance;

• Any condition, which does not meet the above criteria, but are expected to accumulate over $10,000 of

medical treatment per Period of Insurance.

Either you, your doctor, or your representative must call the number listed on the back of the Medical

Identification Card to obtain Pre-Authorization and verification of Network utilization. Prior to the performance of

services a letter of authorization will be provided.

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Medical Emergency Pre-Authorizations must be received no later than 48 hours after the admission or procedure.

In instances of an emergency, you should go to the nearest Hospital or Provider for assistance even if that

Hospital or Provider is not part of the Network.

Failure to obtain Pre-Authorization will result in a 30% reduction in payment of covered expenses. Any such

penalty will apply to the entire episode of care and does not apply to the Out-of-Pocket Maximum. If treatment

would not have been approved by the Pre-Authorization process, all related claims will be denied.

Pre-Authorization approval does not guarantee payment of a claim in full, as additional Copayments and Out-of-

Pocket expenses may apply. Benefits payable under the plan are still subject to eligibility at the time charges are

actually incurred, and to all other terms, limitations, and exclusions of the plan.

In the event of an emergency that requires medical evacuation, contact GBG Assist in advance in order to

approve and arrange such emergency medical air transportation. GBG Assist, on behalf of the Insurer, retains the

right to decide the medical facility to which the Plan Participant shall be transported. Approved medical

evacuations will only be to the nearest medical facility capable of providing the necessary medical treatment. If the

person chooses not to be treated at the facility and location arranged by GBG Assist, then transportation expenses

shall be the responsibility of the Plan Participant. Failure to arrange transportation as indicated will result in non-

payment of transportation costs.





6.1 Accommodations Benefits are provided for room and board, special diets, and general nursing care. All charges more than the

allowable semi-private room rate are the responsibility of the Insured.

Benefits are also provided for treatment in the Intensive Care or Coronary Care Unit if it is the most appropriate

place for the Insured to be treated, the care provided is an essential part of the Insureds treatment, and the care

provided is routinely required by patients suffering from the same type of Illness or Injury or receiving the same

type of treatment.

The Insurer will pay costs if:

• Treatment is Medically Necessary for the Plan Participant to be treated on an Inpatient or Daycare basis,

• The stay in the Hospital is for a medically appropriate period of time, and

• The treatment received is provided or managed by a Physician or specialist

Inpatient hospital confinements primarily for purposes of receiving non-acute, long term custodial care, respite

care, chronic maintenance care, or assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL), are not eligible expenses.

6.2 Medical Treatment, medicines, laboratory, diagnostic tests, and ancillary services Benefits are provided for Medically Necessary diagnosis and treatment of the Illness or Injury for which a Plan

Participant is hospitalized, the following services are also covered:

• Blood transfusions, blood plasma, blood plasma expanders, and all related testing, components,

equipment and services,

• Laboratory testing,

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• Durable medical equipment,

• Diagnostic X-ray examinations,

• Radiation therapy,

• Respiratory therapy, and

• Chemotherapy.

6.3 Inpatient Consultation by a Physician or Specialist Benefits are provided for the reimbursem*nt of one Physician visit per day while the Plan Participant is a patient in

a Hospital or approved Extended Care Facility. Visits that are part of normal preoperative and postoperative care

are covered under the surgical fee and Insurer will not pay separate charges for such care. If Medically Necessary,

the Insurer may elect to pay more than one visit of different Physicians on the same day if the Physicians are of

different specialties. The Insurer will require submission of records and other documentation of the Medical

Necessity for the intensive services.


7.1 Physician Visits Benefits are provided for medical visits to a Physician, in the Physician’s office, if Medically Necessary. Benefits are

limited to one visit per day per Plan Participant. The Insurer may elect to pay more than one visit to different

Physicians on the same day if the Physicians are of different specialties.

7.2 Outpatient Diagnostic Testing Benefits are provided for diagnostic testing including echocardiography, ultrasound, MRI, and other specialized

testing, to diagnose an Illness or Injury.


8.1 Surgical Services Benefits are provided for covered surgical services received in a Hospital, a Physician’s office or other approved

facility. Surgical services include: use of operation room and recovery room, operative and cutting-procedures,

treatment of fractures and dislocations, surgical dressings, and other Medically Necessary services.

8.2 Anesthesia Services Benefits are provided for the service of an anesthesiologist, other than the operating surgeon or assistant, who

administers anesthesia for a covered surgical or obstetrical procedure.


9.1 Emergency Room Benefits are provided for a Medical Emergency when incurred in a Hospital’s emergency room. The Insurer retains

the right to deem a true Medical Emergency. Admission to the Hospital is not required for benefit consideration.

Within the United States, use of the emergency room for non-emergency services may result in higher Out-of-

Pocket costs to the Insured Person.

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9.2 Emergency Ground Ambulance Services Benefits are provided for Medically Necessary emergency ground ambulance transportation to the nearest

Hospital able to provide the required level of care. The use of ambulance services for the convenience of the Plan

Participant will not be considered a covered service.

9.3 Emergency Dental Benefits are provided for Emergency Dental treatment and restoration of sound natural teeth required as a result

of an Accident. All treatment must begin within 72 hours of the Accident. Routine dental treatment is not covered

under this benefit.


The following maternity benefits are covered and are applicable to any condition related to pregnancy, including but

not limited to childbirth, prenatal, miscarriage, premature birth, and complications of pregnancy. For a pregnancy

related to a dependent spouse, conception must occur at least 10-months after the Effective Date for the pregnancy

to be covered. Fertility/infertility services, tests, treatments, medications, and/or procedures, complications of that

pregnancy, delivery and postpartum care are excluded from coverage. The following benefits are only available to

the Plan Participant or Spouse.

10.1 Physician and Obstetrical Services Benefits are provided for the following maternity related benefits:

• Obstetrical and other services rendered in a licensed Hospital or approved birthing center, including

anesthesia, delivery, Medically Necessary C-section, prenatal and postnatal care for any condition related

to pregnancy, including but not limited to childbirth and miscarriage. Elective C-sections are not covered,

• All prenatal and postnatal Physician’s office visits, laboratory and diagnostic testing,

• Prenatal vitamins are covered during the term of the pregnancy only, if prescribed by a Physician.

10.2 Newborn Infant Care Services Benefits are provided for hospital nursery services and medical care provided by the attending Physician for

newborn infants in the Hospital are covered. Charges for Hospital nursery services and professional services for

the newborn infant are covered separately from the mother’s Maternity benefits and are subject to satisfaction of

the Individual Deductible and Coinsurance. Refer to Addition of a Newborn Baby.


11.1 Mental Health Benefits Benefits are provided for psychotherapeutic treatment and psychiatric counseling and treatment for an approved

psychiatric diagnosis. Benefits are for both Inpatient mental health treatment in a Hospital or approved facility and

for Outpatient mental health treatment. A Physician or a licensed clinical psychologist must provide all mental

health care services.

Services include but are not limited to: treatment for Bulimia, Anorexia, Bereavement, Attention Deficit Disorder

(ADD), and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The following services do not meet the criteria

established by the Insurer for consideration under this benefit:

• Services for conditions not determined by the Insurer as to be emotional or personality Illnesses, or

• Psychiatric services extending beyond the period necessary for evaluation and diagnosis of mental

deficiency or retardation, or

• Services for mental disorders or Illness which are not amenable to favorable modification.

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11.2 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Benefits are provided for inpatient and outpatient services including diagnosis, counseling, and other medical

treatment rendered in a Physician's office or by an outpatient treatment department of a Hospital, community

mental health facility or alcoholism treatment facility, so long as the facility is approved by the Joint Commission

on the Accreditation of Hospitals or certified by the Department of Health. The services must be legally performed

by or under the clinical supervision of a licensed Physician or a licensed psychologist who certifies that the Plan

Participant needs to continue such treatment.

11.3 Physical Therapy Benefits are provided for Medically Necessary physical therapy services rendered to a Plan Participant as an

outpatient of a Hospital, Provider’s office, or approved independent facility. Services must be pursuant to a

Physician’s written treatment Plan, which contains short and long term treatment goals and is provided to the

Insurer for review. The following services must either:

• Produce significant improvement in the Plan Participant’s condition in a reasonable and predictable

period of time, and

• Be of such a level of complexity and sophistication, and the condition of the patient must be such that the

required therapy can safely and effectively be performed, or

• Be necessary to the establishment of an effective maintenance program.

11.4 Diabetic Medical Supplies Benefits are provided for certain diabetic supplies including insulin pumps and associated supplies.

11.5 Durable Medical Equipment Benefits are provided for items which are designed for and able to withstand repeated use by more than one

person and customarily serve a medical purpose. Such equipment includes but is not limited to, wheelchairs,

Hospital beds, respirators, and dialysis machines. Such Durable Medical Equipment (DME) must be:

• Prescribed by a Physician,

• Customarily and generally useful to a person only during an Illness or Injury,

• Equipment must be appropriate for use in the home and are not disposable, and

• Determined by the Insurer to be Medically Necessary and appropriate.

Allowable rental fee of the Durable Medical Equipment must not exceed the purchase price. Charges for repairs or

replacement of artificial devices or other Durable Medical Equipment originally obtained under this Plan will be

paid at 50% of the allowable reasonable and customary amount.

Some items not covered under Durable Medical Equipment include but are not limited to the following:

• Comfort items such as telephone arms and over bed tables, or

• Items used to alter air quality or temperature such as air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and

purifiers, or

• Miscellaneous items such as exercise equipment, heat lamps, heating pads, toilet seats, bathtub seats, or

• The customizing of any vehicle, bathroom facility, or residential facility.

11.6 HIV/AIDS Benefits are provided for Medically Necessary, non-experimental services, supplies and medications for the

treatment of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV+), AIDS Related

Complex (ARC), sexually transmitted diseases and all related conditions.

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11.7 Prescription Medications Benefits are provided for medications which are prescribed by a Physician and which would not be available

without such Prescription. Certain treatments and medications, such as vitamins, herbs, aspirin, cold remedies,

medicines, experimental and/or investigational medications, or supplies, even when recommended by a Physician,

do not qualify as Prescription Medications. Any medication that is not scientifically or medically recognized for a

specific diagnosis or that is considered as off label use, experimental, or not generally accepted for use will not

covered, even if a Physician prescribes it.

11.8 Motor Vehicle Accident Benefits are provided for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident in accordance with the benefits shown in

the Schedule of Benefits.

11.9 Sports and other Activities Benefits are provided for leisure sports or activities meaning such activities that are for relaxation or fun, do not

require any special training, and do not heighten the risk of Injury or death to an individual. Examples of such

covered activities include but are not limited to: kayaking, snorkeling, paddle boarding, sailing, white water rafting

levels 1-3, and scuba diving up to 15 meters.

This plan does not cover hazardous or extreme sports or activities, intramural, club sports, professional

sports, interscholastic, and intercollegiate activities.


12.1 Medical Evacuation/Repatriation In the event of an Emergency that requires medical evacuation, contact GBG Assist in advance in order to

approve and arrange such emergency medical air transportation. GBG Assist, on behalf of the Insurer, retains the

right to decide the medical facility to which the Plan Participant shall be transported. Approved medical

evacuations will only be to the nearest medical facility capable of providing the necessary medical treatment. If the

Plan Participant chooses not to be treated at the facility and location arranged by GBG Assist, then transportation

expenses shall be the responsibility of the Plan Participant. Failure to arrange transportation as indicated will result

in non-payment of transportation costs. The cost of a person accompanying a Plan Participant is covered under

this Policy, with expenses subject to pre-approval by GBG Assist.

Sea and Offshore Evacuation: If a Plan Participant is Injured or becomes ill at sea (i.e cruises, yachting, etc.), the

Insurer will not consider any benefit until the Plan Participant is on land. This means any costs involved from an

evacuation from sea to land will not be considered under this Plan. Once on land, this Plan will cover medical costs

and further evacuation, according to the insurance coverage and terms. If a Plan Participant is at sea, the Insurer

would request the Plan Participants are evacuated by sea rescue to a country within their purchased Area of

Coverage, where circ*mstances allow.

Medical Repatriation: If a Plan Participant can no longer meet the Eligibility requirements due to medical

reasons, GBG Assist will make the determination if Medical Repatriation to the Home Country is necessary. GBG

Assist will coordinate return to the Home Country. If the Plan Participant refuses Repatriation, the Plan will be

terminated for failure to meet Eligibility requirements.

12.2 Return of Mortal Remains Benefits are provided for either repatriation of mortal remains, or local burial is included. This benefit excludes

fees for return of personal effects, religious or secular memorial services, clergymen, flowers, music,

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announcements, guest expenses and similar personal burial preferences. The necessary clearances for the return

of a Plan Participant’s mortal remains by air transport to the Home Country will be coordinated by GBG Assist.

12.3 War and Terrorism Benefits are provided for bodily Injury directly or indirectly caused by, or resulting from certain acts of War and

Terrorism, provided the Plan Participant is not an active participant, or in training for in such activities. This benefit

considers the following activities, excluding the use of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons of mass


1. War, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not),

2. Invasion,

3. Act of an enemy foreign to the nationality of the Plan Participant or the country in, or over, which the act


4. Civil war, riot, rebellion, overthrow of the legally constituted government,

5. Military or usurped power,

6. Explosions of war weapons,

7. Murder or assault subsequently proved beyond reasonable doubt to have been the act of agents of a

state foreign to the nationality of the Plan Participant whether war be declared with that state or not,

8. Terrorist activity.


Claims must be filed within 180 days of treatment to be eligible for reimbursem*nt of covered expenses. Claim

forms should be submitted only when the medical service provider does not bill the Insurer directly, and when you

have Out-of-Pocket expenses to submit for reimbursem*nt. All claims worldwide are subject to Usual, Customary,

and Reasonable charges as determined by GBG and are processed in the order in which they are received. In order

for claims payment to be made, claims must be submitted in a form acceptable to Insurer.

13.1 Medical and Prescription Medication Claims To file your claim, submit it online at www.gbg.com. Log into the Member Area and select Submit Claim, and then

follow the instructions to complete the online claim form. If you are unable to submit your claim electronically,

you can mail or fax your completed claim form and copies of supporting documentation. After submitting the

claim, you will receive a claim reference number and an electronic receipt for the claim will be sent to you by


Claims may be submitted to the Insurer directly by the Provider or Facility. The Insurer will process the claim

according to the Schedule of Benefits and plan terms, and remit payment to the health care provider. Ineligible

charges or those in excess of the Allowable Charges will be the responsibility of the Plan Participant. If the Plan

Participant has paid the health care provider, the Plan Participant will submit the claim form along with the

original paid receipts directly to the Insurer. Photocopies will not be accepted unless the Claim is submitted

electronically. The Insurer will reimburse the Plan Participant directly according to the Schedule of Benefits and

plan terms.

Submit claims by:

Web: Mail: Fax: Email:

www.gbg.com GBG Administrative Services +1 949 271 2330 [emailprotected]

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27422 Portola Parkway, Suite 110

Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA

13.2 Reimbursem*nt Options Claims reimbursem*nts will be made by:

• Electronic Direct Deposit for the Plan Participant where the receiving bank is located in the U.S.,

• Wire Transfer for the Plan participant’s and overseas Providers where the receiving bank is located outside

of the U.S., or

• Check sent to the Plan participant or Provider where electronic payment is not possible.

13.3 Settlement of Claims When claims are presented to the Insurer, the Allowable Charges will be applied towards the Deductible. Once the

Deductible has been satisfied, all Allowable Charges will be paid at the percentage listed on the Schedule of

Benefits, up to the listed benefit maximum. Note the amount of Allowable Charges applied towards the

Deductible also reduces the applicable benefit maximum by the same amount.

If the Plan has an Out-of-Pocket Maximum, once it is met the Plan will begin paying 100% of Allowable Charges

for the remainder of insurance coverage, subject to the benefit maximums. The Out-of-Pocket Maximum does not

apply to any expenses covered under the Prescription Medications benefit.

13.4 Status of Claims Plan Participant’s wishing to request the status of a claim or have a question about a reimbursem*nt received,

please submit the status request form via our website at www.gbg.com or e-mail customer service at

[emailprotected]. Inquiries regarding the status of past claims must be received within 12 months of

the date of service to be considered for review.

13.5 Releasing Necessary Information It may be necessary for the Insurer to request a complete medical file on a Plan Participant for purpose of claims

review or administration of the plan. It may also be necessary to share such information with a medical or

utilization review board, or a reinsurer. The release of such confidential medial information will only be with

written consent of the Plan Participant.

13.6 Coordination of Benefits It is the duty of the Plan Participant to inform the Insurer of all other coverage. In no event will more than 100% of

the Allowable Charge and/or maximum benefit for the covered services be paid or reimbursed. If a Plan

Participant has coverage under another insurance contract, including but not limited to health insurance, worker’s

compensation insurance, automobile insurance (whether direct or third party), occupational disease coverage, and

a service received is covered by such contracts, benefits will be reduced under this plan to avoid duplication of

benefits available under the other contract. This includes benefits that would have been payable had the Plan

Participant claimed for them.

13.7 Subrogation When the plan pays for expenses that were either the result of the alleged negligence, or which arise out of any

claim or cause of action which may accrue against any third party responsible for Injury or death to the Plan

Participant by reason of their eligibility for benefits under the plan, the plan has a right to equitable restitution.

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GBG is committed to providing Insured’s with an exceptional level of service and customer care. Sometimes things

can go wrong or there may be occasions when the service provided to you was not adequate. When this happens,

please contact GBG and give us the opportunity to correct the situation and earn back your trust.

Who to Contact

The most important factors in getting your complaint dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible are:

• Be sure you are talking to the right person; and

• That you are providing the necessary information.

When You Contact Us

Please provide the following information:

• Your name, telephone number, and email address;

• Your policy and/or claim number and the Plan of benefits (medical, travel, disability) you are insured for;


• Please explain clearly and concisely the reason for your complaint.

Step One: Making a Complaint

If your complaint relates to:

1. The sale of the Plan you purchased or any information you were given during the sales process;

a. If you purchased the Plan using a broker or other intermediary, please contact them first.

b. If you purchased the Plan directly from GBG either from a local representative, using the website, or

through a group Plan of benefits, please contact us directly at:

Toll Free Phone Email


(within the U.S. and Canada)


(outside the U.S. and Canada)


2. A claim for benefits, the terms and conditions of the Plan, or other benefit related information;

a. Complaints related to a claim denial should be submitted as soon as possible. GBG will review the

information and provide a response within four weeks or will request additional time, if needed.

b. Claims and benefits related complaints should be referred to the Complaints Department at GBG directly


Address Toll Free Phone Email

Complaints Department-

Global Benefits Group.

27422 Portola Parkway, Suite 110

Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA


(within the U.S.

and Canada)


(outside the U.S.

and Canada)


Step Two: Alternative Contact details

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GBG Insurance Limited is licensed and regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the

Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002. If you are dissatisfied, alternatively you may forward all

information to:

Complaints Department-GBG Insurance Limited

P.O. Box 68, Albert House

South Esplanade, St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 3BY

Email: [emailprotected]

We always aim to resolve your complaint and provide a final response within four weeks, but if it looks like it will

take us longer than this, we will let you know the reasons for the delay and regularly keep you up to date with our


Step Three: Beyond Your Insurer

If we can’t respond fully to your complaint within three months after you contact us, or you are unhappy with our

final response, you can refer your complaint to the Channel Islands Ombudsman (CIFO).

You must contact CIFO about your complaint within six months of the date of our final response to your

complaint or CIFO may not be able to review your complaint. You must also contact CIFO within six years

of the event complained about or (if later) two years of when you could reasonably have been expected to

become aware that you had a reason to complain.

You may contact the CIFO at:


Channel Islands Financial


P.O. Box 114

Jersey, Channel Islands






Guernsey local phone

01481 722218

International phone

+44 1534 748610


This notice describes how personal information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access

to this information. Please review it carefully.

The confidentiality of your personal information is of paramount concern to us. We maintain records of the

services we cover (claims), and we also maintain information about you that we have used for enrolment

processing. We use these records to administer your policy benefits and coverage; we may also use these records

to ensure appropriate quality of services provided to you and to enhance the overall quality of our services, and to

meet our legal obligations. We consider this information, and the records we maintain, to be protected personal

information. We are required by law to maintain the privacy of personal information and to provide our insureds

with notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to personal information. This notice describes

how we may use and disclose your personal information. It also describes your rights and our legal obligations

with respect to your personal information.

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Policy ID: SEC-028 23 | P a g e

References to “we,” “us,” or “our” in this document refer to the insurance company which issued your coverage,

GBG Insurance Limited, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (collectively, the GBG Group). A list of these

companies can be found on our full privacy policy that is available at:

https://www.gbg.com/#/AboutGBG/PrivacyPolicy. Alternatively, a hard copy is available on request.

How We May Use or Disclose Your Personal Information

We collect and processes your personal information as necessary for performance under your insurance policy or

complying with our legal obligations, or otherwise in our legitimate interests in managing our business and

providing our products and services. These activities may include:

1. Use of sensitive information about the health or vulnerability of you, or others involved in your assistance

guarantees, in order to provide the services described in your insurance policy;

2. Disclosure of personal information about you and your insurance cover to companies within the GBG group of

companies, to our service Providers and agents in order to administer and service your insurance cover, for

fraud prevention, to collect payments, and otherwise as required or permitted by applicable law;

3. Monitoring and/or recording of your telephone calls in relation to coverage for the purposes of record-

keeping, training and quality control;

4. Technical studies to analyze claims and premiums, adapt pricing, support subscription processes and

consolidate financial reporting (including regulatory); detailed analyses on claims/calls to better monitor

Providers and operations; analyses of customer satisfaction and construction of customer segments to better

adapt products to market needs;

5. Obtaining and storing any relevant and appropriate supporting evidence for your claim, for the purpose of

providing services under your insurance policy and validating your claims; and

6. Sending feedback requests or surveys relating to our services, and other customer care communications.

These activities are carried out within the UK and European Economic Area (EEA), and outside the EEA. The data

protection laws and/or the agreements we have entered into with the receiving parties in relation to the processing

of data outside the EEA provide a similar level of protection to the laws and/or agreements we have entered into

within the EEA.

You are entitled, on request, to a copy of the personal information we hold about you, and you have other rights in

relation to how we use your data (as set out in our website privacy policy). Please let us know if you think any

information we hold about you is inaccurate, so that we may correct it.

If you have any questions about this Notice of Privacy Practices or our use of your personal information you may

contact the Data Protection Officer. Contact details are below:

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For GBG Insurance Limited

The Data Protection Officer:

GBG Insurance Limited

P.O. Box 68, Albert House

South Esplanade, St Peter Port

Guernsey, GY1 3BY

Email address: [emailprotected]

For Global Benefits Europe B.V.

The Data Protection Officer:

Global Benefits Europe B.V.

Penningkruid 20, 3984 BK

Odijk Netherlands

Email address: [emailprotected]

For Global Benefits Group

The Data Protection Officer:

Global Benefits Group

27422 Portola Parkway, Suite 110

Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA

Email address: [emailprotected]

For Global Benefits Group Gesellschaft m.b.H.

The Data Protection Officer:

Global Benefits Group Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Fillgradergasse 7/8, 1060, Vienna, Austria

Email address: [emailprotected]

For Global Benefits Group (UK) Limited

The Data Protection Officer:

Global Benefits Group (UK) Limited

Suite 102, 7th Floor

Spice Building

8 Devonshire Square,

London, EC2M 4PL United Kingdom

Email address: [emailprotected]

All other GBG Group companies

To contact the Data Protection Officer for any of

the other companies in the GBG Group, please

email [emailprotected]


All services and benefits described below are excluded from coverage or limited under your Plan of Insurance.

1. Alcohol and Substance Abuse: Treatment of any Illness or Injury arising directly or indirectly from

alcohol or illegal substance abuse or addiction, or any medications or medicines that are not taken in

the dosage or for the purpose prescribed.

2. Alternative Care: Treatment including but not limited to acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, and

Chinese herbs.

3. Breast Reduction: All services and treatments.

4. Charges in Excess of Usual, Customary, and Reasonable: Any portion of any charge in excess of UCR

for the particular service or treatment for the specific geographical area.

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5. Charges Incurred before the Effective Date and After the Expiration Date: Claims and costs for

medical treatment occurring before the Effective Date of coverage (including waiting periods) or after

the expiration date of the plan are not covered. This includes any portion of a covered prescription to

be used after the expiration of the current plan year.

6. Charges Reimbursable by Another Entity: Services, supplies, or treatment that are provided by or

payment is available from:

a. Workers’ Compensation law, Occupational Disease law or similar law concerning job related

conditions of any country; or;

b. Another insurance company or government; or

c. A government entity due to an epidemic or public emergency.

7. Consultations: Telephone, E-mail, and internet consultations, and telemedicine, missed appointments,

and after hours expenses, and charges made by a provider who is a member of your family or your

dependent’s family.

8. Cosmetic and Elective Surgery for Non-Medical Reasons: Treatments, procedures or medications

which are primarily for enhancement, improvement, or altering one’s appearance, unless required due

to a non-occupational Injury occurring while insured under this plan. Medical complications arising

from such treatments or procedures are also not covered.

9. Counselling and Testing Services: Non-medical counselling services including but not limited to

marriage and family counselling, educational counseling, aptitude testing, educational testing and


10. Dental Care:

General diagnostic examinations, cleaning, basic restoration, periodontal treatments, oral surgery,

crowns, bridges, endodontic, extraction of wisdom teeth, orthodontic and all other preventive,

palliative, basic, or major dental services.

a. Dental Services at a hospital, including general anesthesia are not covered under the medical


b. Inlays, dentures, or false teeth and replacement of lost or stolen crowns, bridges, or dentures

c. Implants and all related services

d. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) or Malocclusion Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

and Mouth guards for teeth grinding.

11. Emergency Room: Expenses related to non-emergency use.

12. Exceptional Risks: Treatment related to:

a. Injury sustained while participating in hazardous or extreme sports and activities, intramural,

club sports, professional sports, interscholastic, and intercollegiate activities.

b. Injury sustained while participating in, or training for, (declared or not) or acts of terrorism;

c. Chemical contamination;

d. The malicious use of Nuclear, Chemical, or Biological Weapons or warfare;

e. Contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear material or from the combustion of nuclear


13. Experimental or Off-Label Services: Services, supplies or treatments, including medications, which are

deemed to be experimental or investigational or that is not medically recognized for a specific


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14. Fertility/Infertility Treatments and Birth Control: Any services, procedure or treatment including

medications used to:

a. Treat infertility including in-vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote

intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), and any variations of these procedures, and any costs associated

with the preparation or storage of sperm for artificial insemination.

b. All expenses related to the use of a surrogate mother are also excluded.

c. Vasectomies and sterilization, and any expenses for male or female reversal of sterilization.

d. Contraceptive devices including the insertion or removal of such devices. Oral Contraceptives

are not covered under this plan.

15. Genetic Screening: Counseling, screening, testing, or treatment in the absence of any symptoms or

any significant, proven risk factors for genetically linked inheritable disease.

16. Growth Hormones: Treatment related to the aging process, increasing athletic ability, and treatment

for medical conditions not generally accepted by the medical community or demonstrated medical

efficacy. Generally accepted therapeutic uses of growth hormones are covered for medical conditions

covered by this Plan.

17. Hair Treatment: Treatment for alopecia or hair loss including but not limited to hairplasty, hair

transplants or any other procedure to stimulate hair growth; the temporary removal of hair by laser;

electrolysis; waxing; or any other means.

18. Hearing Care: Routine examination, hearing aids or devices, and the surgical implantation of, or

removal of bone anchored hearing devices.

19. Hospice Care: Palliative and supportive services to terminally ill Plan Participant’s and their families.

20. Home Health Care: Home nursing services, assistance with the Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and

other home health care related services, unless the direct result of an Accident occurring while Plan

Participant under this Plan.

21. Hernia: Treatment of a hernia, including sports hernia whether or not caused by a covered Accident.

22. Home Country Expenses: All medical charges incurred in the Plan Participant’s Home Country.

23. Illegal Activities: Injuries and Illnesses resulting or arising from or occurring during the commission or

perpetration of a violation of law.

24. Maternity:

Pregnancy and related conditions for:

a. A dependent child, except for complications,

b. Maternity or delivery preparation classes,

c. Elective Caesarean section,

d. Elective abortions

e. Care or treatment for an individual acting as a surrogate.

25. Medical Examinations or Certificates: Any examination, immunization, or tests necessary for the

issuance of medical certificates or determining employment, or suitability for school, sport related

activities, or travel or determining insurability.

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26. Non-Covered Treatments: Treatment of any Illness or Injury, or charges relating to such that is:

Not ordered or recommended by a Physician; or

a. Not Medically Necessary; or

b. Not rendered under the scope of the Physician’s licensing; or

c. Not professionally recognized or is determined by Insurer to be unnecessary for proper


d. Enrolling solely for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment, while on a waitlist for a specific

treatment, or while traveling against the advice of a Physician.

27. Non-Medical Care

a. Services related to custodial care, respite care, home-like care, assistance with activities of daily

living (ADL), or Milieu Therapy. Any admission to a nursing home, home for the aged, long term

care facility, sanitarium, spa, hydro clinic, or similar facilities. Any admission, arranged wholly or

partly for domestic reasons, where the hospital effectively becomes or could be treated as the

Plan Participant’s home or permanent abode.

28. Organ Transplant: Organ transplant and related procedures and associated expenses for the recipient

or donor.

29. Over-the-Counter and Non-Prescription Medications: Over the counter medications or non-

prescribed medications or medical devices, even if recommended by a Physician, including but not

limited to the following:

a. Tobacco dependency

b. Weight reduction or appetite suppressant,

c. Cosmetic medications, even if ordered for non-cosmetic purposes

d. Acne and rosacea medications and treatment (including hormones and Retin-A), except for

cystic and pustular acne,

e. Vitamins, supplements, or herbs.

30. Personal Comfort and Convenience Items: Expense for items that are provided solely for personal

comfort or convenience such as television, private rooms, housekeeping services, guest meals and

accommodations, special diets, telephone charges, and take home supplies.

31. Podiatric Care: Routine foot care, including the paring and removing of corns, calluses, or other

lesions, or trimming of nails or other such services. Orthopedic shoes or other supportive devices such

as; arch supports, orthotic devices, or any other preventative services or supplies to treat the diagnosis

of weak, strained, or flat feet or fallen arches.

32. Power Vehicles: Expenses for Accidents and Injuries as a result of Motorcycles, Mopeds, Scooters,

ATV’s any two or three wheeled motorized vehicle and or sport watercraft such as wave runners, jet skis

or other powered devices whether the vehicle is in motion or not.

33. Preventive Care/Wellness: Annual exams, immunizations, routine and screening test, and other

diagnostic procedures in the absence of an Illness or Injury.

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34. Prosthetics: High performance prosthetic devices for sports or improvement of athletic performance,

and power enhancement or power controlled devices, nerve stimulators, and other such enhancements

to prosthetic devices. Limbs and other devices intended to replace the functionality of the body part

being replaced and the repair and replacement of such devices are not covered.

35. Sanctions: Notwithstanding any other terms under this plan, we shall not provide coverage nor will we

make any payments or provide any service or benefit to any Plan Participant, beneficiary, or third party

who may have any rights under this plan to the extent that such cover, payment, service, benefit, or any

business or activity of the Plan Participant would violate any applicable trade or economic sanctions law

or regulation.

36. Skin Conditions: Acne, rosacea, skin tags, and any other treatment to enhance the appearance of the

skin, except for cystic or pustular acne.

37. Sleep Studies: Sleep studies and other treatments relating to sleep apnea.

38. Smoking Cessation: Treatments and other expenses, whether or not recommended by a Physician..

39. Sexual Dysfunction: Any procedures, supplies, or medications used to treat male or female sexual

enhancement or sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejacul*tion, and other

similar conditions.

40. Transsexual Surgery: Medical or psychological counseling, hormonal therapy in preparation for, or

subsequent to, any such surgery, surgical procedures, and any other expenses related to sexual

reassignment including the complications arising from such procedures.

41. Trips: Specifically made for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment

42. Vision Care: Services and supplies related to:

a. Visual therapy, or eye surgery to correct refractive error or deficiencies, including myopia or


b. Eye examinations, frames, lenses, or contact lenses

c. Optional lens coating for anti-glare, anti-scratch, or UV sun protection and sunglasses and

related accessories.

d. Other devices to assist with impaired vision.

43. Weight Related Treatment: Any expense, service, or treatment for obesity, weight control, any form of

food supplement, weight reduction programs, dietary counseling, or surgical procedures related to

morbid or non-morbid obesity. Charges relating to complications arising from such treatments or

surgical procedures are also excluded.


Certain words and phrases used in this plan are defined below. Other words and phrases may be defined where

they are used.

Accident: Any sudden and unforeseen event occurring during the insurance coverage year period, resulting in

bodily Injury, the cause or one of the causes of which is external to the Plan Participant’s own body and occurs

beyond the Plan Participant’s control.

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Activities of Daily Living (ADL): Activities of daily living are those activities normally associated with the day-to-

day fundamentals of personal self-care, including but not limited to: walking, personal hygiene, sleeping,

toilet/continence, dressing, cooking/feeding, medication, and getting in and out of bed.

Acute Care: Medically Necessary, short-term care for an Illness or Injury, characterized by rapid onset, severe

symptoms, and brief duration, including any intense symptoms, such as severe pain.

Admission: The period from the time that a Plan Participant’s enters a Hospital, Extended Care Facility or other

approved health care facility as an inpatient until discharge.

Air Ambulance: An aircraft specially equipped with the necessary medical personnel, supplies and Hospital

equipment to treat life-threatening Illnesses and/or Injuries for Plan Participant’s whose conditions cannot be

treated locally and must be transported by air to the nearest medical center that can adequately treat their

conditions. This service requires Pre-Authorization. A commercial passenger airplane does not qualify as an air


Allowable Charge: The fee or price the Insurer determines to be the Usual, Customary and Reasonable Charges

for health care services provided to Plan Participants. The Plan Participant is responsible for the payment of any

balance over the Allowable Charge (except in the U.S. when a Preferred Provider has delivered the service, then

there is no balance due). All services must be Medically Necessary. Once an allowable charge is established then

the Deductible, Coinsurance, Copayments and any excess charges must be paid by the Plan Participant.

Ambulatory Surgical Center: A facility which (a) has as its primary purpose to provide elective surgical care; and

(b) admits and discharges a patient within the same working day; and (c) is not part of a Hospital. Ambulatory

Surgical Center: does not include: (1) any facility whose primary purpose is the termination of pregnancy; (2) an

office maintained by a Physician for the practice of medicine; or (3) an office maintained by a Dentist for the

practice of Dentistry.

Certificate: The document provided to the Plan Participant that includes the Schedule of Benefits and the terms

of the Master Policy issued to the Trust.

Coinsurance: The percentage amount of the Allowable Charges that the Plan Participant and the Insurer will share

after the Deductible and Copayment is met.

Complications of Pregnancy: A condition:

• Caused by pregnancy, and

• Requiring medical treatment prior to, or subsequent to termination of pregnancy, and

• The diagnosis of which is distinct for pregnancy, and

• Which constitutes a classifiably distinct complication of pregnancy.

A condition simply associated with the management of a difficult pregnancy is not considered a complication of


Confinement: Inpatient stay at an approved extended care facility for necessary skilled treatment or

rehabilitation in accordance with the contract.

Congenital Condition: Any heredity condition, birth defect, physical anomaly and/or any other deviation from

normal development present at birth, which may or may not be apparent at that time. These deviations, either

physical or mental, include but are not limited to, genetic and non-genetic factors or inborn errors of metabolism.

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Copayment: A fixed dollar amount that may be applied per office visit each time medical services are received.

Ancillary services such as laboratory and radiology service (i.e. blood tests, x-rays) that may be in conjunction with

an office visit do not require a separate Copayment. Copayments do not apply to the Deductible or to the Out-of-

Pocket Maximum.

Cosmetic Surgery: Surgery or therapy performed to improve or alter appearance for self-esteem or to treat

psychological symptomatology or psychosocial complaints related to one’s appearance.

Custodial Care: Includes: (1) the provision of room and board, nursing care, or such other care which is provided

to an individual who is mentally or physically disabled and who, as determined by the individual’s attending

Physician, has reached the maximum level of recovery; and (2) in the case of an institutionalized person, room and

board, nursing care or such other care which is provided to an individual for whom it cannot reasonably be

expected that medical or surgical treatment will enable him to live outside an institution; and (3) rest cures, respite

care and home care provided by family Insureds. Upon receipt and review of a claim, the Insurer or an

independent medical review will determine if a service or treatment is Custodial Care.

Deductible: The amounts of covered Allowable Charges payable by the Plan Participant during each Period of

Insurance before the Plan benefits are applied. Such amount will not be reimbursed under the Plan. The

Deductible is not considered part of the Out-Of-Pocket Maximum.

Dependent: Refers to a member of the Plan Participant’s family who is enrolled under the Plan with the Insurer

after meeting all the eligibility requirements and for whom premiums have been received.

Durable Medical Equipment: Orthopedic braces, artificial devices replacing body parts and other equipment

customarily and generally useful to a person only during an Illness or Injury and determined by Insurer on a case

by case basis to be Medically Necessary including motorized wheelchairs and beds. See DME Section for more

details and services that are not consider eligible benefits.

Effective Date: The date upon which the Plan Participant’s coverage will commence under this Plan.

Eligibility: The requirements that a Plan Participant, including the primary Plan Participant and dependents must

meet at all times in order to be covered under this Plan.

Emergency Dental Treatment: Emergency dental treatment is urgent treatment necessary to restore or replace

sound natural teeth damaged as a result of an accident. Sound teeth do not include teeth with previous crowns,

fillings, or cracks. Damage to teeth caused by chewing foods does not qualify for emergency dental coverage.

Experimental and/or Investigational: Any treatment, procedure, technology, facility, equipment, medication,

medication usage, device, or supplies not recognized as accepted medical practice by Insurer.

GBG Assist: The customer service division of the Insurer. They provide, 24/7 assistance service to answer any

customer needs around the world, including emergency evacuation, benefit coordination, locating a network

Provider, and Pre-Authorization of medical services.

HIV: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and all diseases caused by and/or related to the HIV Virus.

Home Country: The country from which the Plan Participant holds a passport. In the event that a citizen of the

United States holds more than one passport, the United States shall be deemed the Home Country.

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Home Health Care Agency: An agency or organization, or subdivision thereof, that; a) is primarily engaged in

providing skilled nursing services and other therapeutic services in the Plan Participant’s home; b) is duly licensed,

if required, by the appropriate licensing facility; c) has policies established by a professional group associated with

the agency or organization, including at least one Physician and one registered graduate nurse (R.N.), to govern

the services provided; d) provides for full-time supervision of such services by a Physician or by a Registered Nurse

(R.N.), e) maintains a complete medical record on each patient; and f) has a full-time administrator.

Home Health Care Plan: A program: 1) for the care and treatment of a Plan Participant in his home; 2)

established and approved in writing by his attending Physician; and 3) Certified, by the attending Physician, as

required for the proper treatment of the Injury or Illness, in place of inpatient treatment in a Hospital or in an

Extended care Facility.

Hospice: An agency which provides a coordinated Plan of home and inpatient care to a terminally ill person and

which meets all of the following tests: 1) has obtained any required state or governmental license or Certificate of

Need; 2) provides service 24-hours-a-day, 7 days a week; 3) is under the direct supervision of a Physician; 4) has a

nurse coordinator who is a Registered Nurse (R.N.) or a Licensed Practical Nurse (L.P.N.); 5) has a duly licensed

social service coordinator; 6) has as its primary purpose the provision of Hospice services; 7) has a full-time

administrator; and 8) maintains written records of services provided to the patient.

Hospital: Includes only acute care facilities licensed or approved by the appropriate regulatory agency as a

hospital, and whose services are under the supervision of, or rendered by a staff of Physicians who are duly

licensed to practice medicine, and which continuously provides twenty-four (24) hour a day nursing service under

the direction or supervision of registered professional nurses. The term Hospital does not include nursing homes,

rest home, health resorts, and homes for the aged, infirmaries or establishments for domiciliary care, custodial

care, care of substance abuse addicts or alcoholics, or similar institutions.

Illness: A physical sickness, disease, pregnancy and complications of pregnancy of a Plan Participant. This does

not include Mental Illness.

Injury: Accidental bodily harm sustained by a Plan Participant that results directly and independently from all

other causes from a covered Accident.

Inpatient: A Plan Participant admitted to an approved Hospital or other health care facility for a Medically

Necessary overnight stay.

Lifetime Maximum: Payment of benefits is subject to a lifetime aggregate maximum per individual Plan

Participant as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits, as long as the Plan remains in force. The Lifetime Maximum

includes all benefit maximums specified in the Plan, including those specified in the Schedule of Benefits.

Master Policy: The agreement between the Insurer and the International Benefit Trust.

Maximum Benefit: The payment specified in the Schedule of Benefits, for specific services, which is the

maximum amount payable by Insurer per person, regardless of the actual or Allowable Charge. This is after the

Plan Participant has met his obligations of Deductible, Coinsurance, Copayments and any other applicable costs.

Medical Emergency: A sudden, unexpected, and unforeseen event caused by an Illness or Injury that manifests

itself by symptoms of sufficient severity that a prudent layperson would reasonably expect that failure to receive

immediate medical attention would place the health of the person in serious jeopardy.

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Medically Necessary: Those services or supplies which are provided by Hospital, Physician or other approved

medical Providers that are required to identify or treat an Illness or Injury and which, as determined by Insurer, are

as follows:

• Consistent with the symptom, or diagnosis and treatment of condition, disease or Injury;

• Appropriate with regard to standards of accepted professional practice;

• Not solely for the Plan Participant’s convenience, the Physician’s convenience or any other Provider’s

convenience, and

• The most appropriate supply or level of service, which can be provided. When applied to an inpatient, it

further means that the medical symptoms or condition require that the services or supplies cannot be

safely provided as an outpatient;

• Is not a part of or associated with the scholastic education or vocational training of the patient;

• Is not Experimental or Investigative.

Nurse: A person licensed as a Registered Nurse, (R.N.) or Licensed Practical Nurse, (L.P.N.) by the appropriate

licensing authority in the areas which he or she practices nursing.

Outpatient: Services, supplies or equipment received while not an inpatient in a hospital, or other health care

facility, or overnight stay.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The maximum amount of expenses the Plan Participant will pay for Allowable Charges

during the Plan year after the Deductible is met. Once the Plan year Coinsurance maximum is reached, the Insurer

shall pay 100% of eligible Covered Expenses for the remainder of the Plan year.

Period of Insurance: The start and end date for which insurance coverage is in effect as shown on the Face Page.

Physician: Any person who is duly licensed and meets all of the laws, regulations, and requirements of the

jurisdiction in which he practices medicine, osteopathy or podiatry and who is acting within the scope of that

license. This term does not include; (1) an intern; or (2) a person in training.

Plan: The agreement between the Insurer and the Policyholder. The Plan includes the Master Policy, the

Certificate, the Schedule of Benefits, and the application.

Plan Participant: A person eligible for coverage as identified in the application form, a Non-United States Citizen

traveling outside their Home Country and has his true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment

outside of the United States and holds a current and valid passport, and for whom proper Premium payment has

been made when due.

Pre-Authorization: A process by which a Plan Participant obtains written approval for certain medical procedures

or treatments from the Insurer prior to the commencement of the proposed medical treatment. Certain medical

procedures will require the Pre-Authorization process to be followed in order for the service to be covered and to

maximize the benefits under this Plan.

Pre-Existing Condition: Any Illness or Injury, physical or mental condition, for which a Plan Participant received

any diagnosis, medical advice or treatment, or had taken any prescribed medication, or where distinct symptoms

were evident prior to the Effective Date.

Preferred Allowance: Refers to the amount an In-Network Provider will accept as payment in full for covered

medical expenses.

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Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): Refers to a participating Provider, such as Hospital, clinic or Physician

that has entered into an agreement to provide health services to Plan Participants.

Premium(s): The consideration owed by the Plan Participant to the Insurer in order to secure benefits under this


Prescription Medications: Prescription medications which are prescribed by a Physician and which would not be

available without such prescription. Certain treatments and medications, such as vitamins, herbs, aspirin, cold

remedies, medicines, experimental or Investigative medication, or medical supplies even when recommended by a

Physician, do not qualify as prescription medication.

Professional Sports: Activities in which the participants receive payment for participation.

Provider: The organization or person performing or supplying treatment, services, supplies or medications.

Rehabilitation: Therapeutic services designed to improve a patient’s medical condition within a predetermined

time period through establishing a maintenance program designed to maintain the patient’s current condition,

prevent it from deteriorating and assist in recovery.

Repatriation or Local Burial: This is the expense of preparation and the air transportation of the mortal remains

of the Plan Participant from the place of death to their Home Country, or the preparation and local burial of the

mortal remains of a Plan Participant who dies outside their Home Country. This benefit is excluded where death

occurs in their Home Country.

Schedule of Benefits: The summary description of the benefits, payment levels and maximum benefits, provided

under this Plan.

School Year: The 12-month period when the educational institution begins classes, usually starting in late

summer and may conduct classes on a quarterly, semester, or other regularly scheduled basis.

Subrogation: Circ*mstances under which the Insurer may recover expenses for a claim paid out when another

party should have been responsible for paying all, or a portion of that claim.

Terrorism: Terrorist activity means an act, or acts, of any person, or groups of persons, committed for political,

religious, ideological or similar purposes with the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public,

or any section of the public, in fear. Terrorist activity can include, but not be limited to, the actual use of force or

violence and/or the threat of such use. Furthermore, the perpetrators of terrorist activity can either be acting

alone, or on behalf of, or in connection with any organization or government.

Usual, Customary and Reasonable Charge: The lower of: 1) the Provider’s usual charge for furnishing the

treatment, service or supply; or 2) the charge determined by the Insurer to be the general rate charged by the

others who render or furnish such treatments, services or supplies to persons: 1) who reside in the same

geographical area; and 2) whose Injury or Illness is comparable in nature and severity.

The Usual, Customary, and Reasonable charge for a treatment, service or supply that is unusual, or not often

provided in the area, or that is provided by only a small number of Providers in the area, will be determined by the

Insurer. The Insurer will consider such factors as: 1) complexity; 2) degree of skill needed; 3) type of specialist

required; 4) range of services or supplies provided by a facility; and 5) the prevailing charge in other areas.

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Waiting Period: The period of time beginning with the Plan Participant’s Effective Date, during which limited, or

no benefits are available for particular services. After satisfaction of the Waiting Period, benefits for those services

become available in accordance with this Plan.


I hereby apply to be a Plan Participant of the International Benefit Trust established in the Cayman Islands (the

"Trust") and to participate in the insurance coverage extended by GBG Insurance Limited (the "Insurer") to Plan

Participants under the Trust (the "Coverage"). I understand that the Coverage is not a general health insurance

product, but is intended for use in the event of a sudden and unexpected event while traveling outside my Home

Country (for purposes of this Agreement, Home Country means the country from which the Plan Participant holds

a passport. In the event that a citizen of the United States holds more than one passport, the United States shall

be deemed the Home Country). I understand that the Coverage extended to me will terminate upon my return to

my Home Country unless I qualify for a benefit period or Home Country coverage. I understand that I may obtain

full details of the Coverage by requesting a copy of the master policy from Global Benefits Group (the “Plan

Manager”). I understand that the liability of the Insurer as underwriter of the Coverage is as provided in the master


By acceptance of Coverage and/or submission of any claim for benefits, the Plan Participant ratifies the authority

of the undersigned to so act and bind the Plan Participant.

The Plan Participant undertakes to make all premium payments as they fall due in respect of the Coverage

extended. ITA Global Trust Ltd (the “Trustee”) shall not be responsible for the administration of such payments.

If the Plan Participant fails to make any premium payment due in respect of the Coverage extended, subject to the

discretion of the Insurer, such Coverage will lapse.

The Plan Participant hereby confirms the accuracy of all information and validity of all representations and

warranties provided to the Trustee in connection with its participation in the plan and/or the subscription for the

insurance coverage, howsoever provided, including the terms of this Subscription Agreement, (together

"Representations & Warranties"). The Plan Participant acknowledges that certain of such information will be relied

upon by the Insurer as provider of the Coverage and that any inaccuracy therein may result in the invalidity of

such Coverage as it relates to the Plan Participant, the loss of Coverage and all monies paid in relation thereto.

The Plan Participant hereby undertakes to inform the Trustee of any change to any matter that forms the subject

of any of the Representations & Warranties. The Plan Participant hereby undertakes to indemnify and hold

harmless the Trustee against any loss or damage (including attorney's fees) occasioned by any inaccuracy in any

Representations & Warranties or failure to advise the Trustee of any change in any matter that forms the subject

of any of the Representations & Warranties. The Plan Participant agrees that the Trustee shall be entitled to rely

on and to act in accordance with any written instruction purported to be provided by the Plan Participant and the

Plan Participant hereby undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Trustee against any loss or damage

(including attorney's fees) occasioned by the Trustee acting in accordance with any such instruction.

Payments under the terms of the Coverage shall be paid by the Insurer to the Plan Participant or directly to a

provider if assignment of benefits has been authorized. The Trustee shall not be responsible for the administration

of such payments.

I confirm that I have satisfied myself that the Coverage is appropriate for me and that I meet the eligibility criteria.

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Covered Sports and other Activities The following sports and activities are covered

provided the Plan Participant meets the Eligibility

Criteria and participates in these sports as part of a

sanctioned school activity.

Excluded Hazardous and Extreme Sports

and Activities

Abseiling American Football

Aerobics BMX cycling

Archery Base Jumping

Athletics Boxing

Badminton Bungee Jumping

Baseball Canoeing/Kayaking (white water)

Basketball Canyoning

Bowls Caving / Cave Diving

Calisthenics Cheerleading

Camel/Elephant Riding / Trekking Cross channel swimming

Canoeing/Kayaking (inland/coastal) Gaelic Football (non-competitive)

Clay pigeon shooting Gliding

Cricket Hang Gliding

Cross country running Heptathlon

Gymnastics High Diving

Cycling Horse Jumping

Curling Horse Racing

Dry skiing Hunting-on-horseback

Fencing Ice Hockey

Fell running Kite surfing/Landboarding/Buggying

Field Hockey Lacrosse

Fishing (Fresh water and deep sea) Martial Arts (Competition)

Flying as a passenger (private/small aircraft) Martial Arts (Training only)

Go Karting (recreational use) Microlighting

Golf Motor Racing (all types)

Ice Hockey – School only. Motorcycling (any)

Handball Mountain Boarding

Heptathlon Mountaineering

Horse riding (no Polo, Hunting, Jumping or Dressage) Mountain Biking

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Hot Air Ballooning Orienteering

Hurling Parachuting

Jet Boating Parasailing

Jet Skiing Parascending (over land)

Jogging Parascending (over water)

Kickball Parkour

Lacrosse Point-to-point

Netball Polo

Paintballing Potholing

Roller Blading (Line Skating / Skate boarding) Professional Sports

Roller Hockey/Street Hockey Quad Biking

Rounder’s Rambling

Rowing (inland/coastal) Rock Climbing

Rugby – Touch Only Rock Scrambling

Running, Sprint / Long Distance Rugby - Contact

Safari (organized - no guns) Sandboarding

Sailboarding Scuba Diving (greater than 15 meters)

Sand Yachting Shark feeding/cage diving

Scuba Diving (max depth 15 meters) Sky Diving

Skate boarding Snorkeling

Soccer Spelunking

Squash Steeple chasing

Surfing (must be part of a school credit course) Snow Skiing/Snowboarding

Tennis Tombstoning

Trekking/Hiking (under 3,500 meters altitude) Trekking/Hiking (over 3,500 meters altitude)

Triathlon Water Skiing

Volleyball Windsurfing

Wake Boarding White/Black Water Rafting (Grade 4 to 6)

Water Polo Weight-Lifting

Wrestling Yachting (crewing) - outside territorial waters

White/Black Water Rafting (Grade 1 to 3) Yachting (racing)

Yachting (crewing) - inside territorial waters Zorbing/Hydrozorbing

Any sport not listed that does not require a high degree of

risk or training will be evaluated at the Insurer’s discretion.

Any sport not listed that requires an increased skill set and a

higher level of training to safely participate, that if not

properly executed could result in substantial Injury or death,

will be evaluated at the Insurer’s discretion.

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37 | P a g e Care Plan

Inbound Trust


Insured By:

GBG Insurance Limited

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38 | P a g e Care Plan

Inbound Trust


Administered By:

Global Benefits Group

27422 Portola Parkway, Suite 110

Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA

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39 | P a g e Care Plan

Inbound Trust


Policy ID: SEC-028 · Policy ID: SEC-028 Welcome to the Global Benefits Group (GBG) family! This is a short-term medical Plan intended to provide Accident and Illness coverage while - [PDF Document] (2024)


What information is found in the conditions part of an insurance policy? ›

The Conditions

Common conditions in a policy include the requirement to file a proof of loss with the company, to protect property after a loss, and to cooperate during the company's investigation or defense of a liability lawsuit.

In what part of an insurance policy or policy are benefits found? ›

The policy benefits in an insurance policy can be found in the "Declarations" section of the policy. The declarations section is the portion of the policy that contains basic information about the policyholder and the coverage being provided, such as the policy limits, deductibles, and premium amounts.

What is the purpose of a medicare carve out or supplement? ›

- Medicare carve-out and supplements act as excess insurance paying those covered expense not paid by Medicare because of deductibles or copayment requirements.

What are the coordination of benefits rules? ›

The COB Process:

Ensures claims are paid correctly by identifying the health benefits available to a Medicare beneficiary, coordinating the payment process, and ensuring that the primary payer, whether Medicare or other insurance, pays first.

What does GI mean in life insurance? ›

What Is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance? Guaranteed issue life insurance, or guaranteed acceptance life insurance, is a type of whole life insurance policy that does not require you to answer health questions, undergo a medical exam, or allow an insurance company to review your medical and prescription records.

What does subrogation mean? ›

When you file a claim, your insurer can try to recover costs from the person responsible for your injury or property damage. This is known as subrogation. For example: Your insurance company pays your doctor for your treatment following an auto accident that someone else caused.

Who is the person entitled to the benefits of an insurance policy? ›

And the third person involved in the insurance policy is the beneficiary. That's the person, sometimes an entity like a corporation or a partnership or a trust, that's entitled to receive the death proceeds of the policy at the death of the insured.

How do I know how much is in my life insurance policy? ›

Consult your insurance agent for assistance in determining the precise face amount. Your agent can also help you understand the pros and cons of various options if you need to withdraw cash from your permanent life policy.

Who receives the benefits of a life insurance policy? ›

If you pass away, the life insurance company can pay out a death benefit to the person or persons you named as beneficiaries of the policy. Some life insurance policies can offer both death and living benefits. A living benefit rider allows you to tap into your policy's death benefit while you're still alive.

Do you really need a Medicare Supplement plan? ›

Supplemental insurance is advisable for those with Medicare to help cover out-of-pocket costs and gaps in coverage, offering financial protection for deductibles, coinsurance, and other medical expenses not fully covered by Medicare.

What is the best supplemental insurance for Medicare? ›

Here's an overview of our top picks:
  • Best for Medigap plan options: AARP/UnitedHealthcare Medicare Supplement Insurance.
  • Best for member satisfaction: State Farm Medicare Supplement Insurance.
  • Best for premium discounts: Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Insurance.
May 21, 2024

Does Medicare cover 100% of hospital bills? ›

Medicare doesn't typically cover 100% of your medical costs. Like most health insurance, Medicare generally comes with out-of-pocket costs including copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. As you'll learn in this article, Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) costs can really add up.

Which insurance is primary, spouse, or parent? ›

The Affordable Care Act allows children to stay on a parent's insurance policy until the age of 26. If a young adult is covered by both a parent's plan and a spouse's plan, the plan covering the young adult for the longest is primary. If coverage for both plans started on the same day, the birthday rule applies.

How to tell which insurance is primary? ›

To determine which plan is primary, which means the insurer pays for covered services first according to the benefits provided by the plan. The other insurer pays secondary, which means it pays the remaining unpaid balance according to the benefits provided by its plan.

Which states are matching states for insurance? ›

Insurance Matching States
  • Alaska.
  • California.
  • Connecticut.
  • Florida.
  • Iowa.
  • Kentucky.
  • Louisiana.
  • Montana.

What information is found in the conditions part of an insurance policy Quizlet? ›

Conditions state the legal obligations and duties of the parties to the contract. Exclusions. This only tells what is not covered.

What is included in policy conditions? ›

Policy conditions are found is an insurance policy and identify the general requirements of an insured and the insurer on matters such as loss reporting and settlement, property valuation, other insurance, subrogation rights, and cancellation and nonrenewal.

What information is listed on an insurance policy? ›

This section contains summary information including the name and address of the insured, the dollar amount of coverage in the policy, a description of the insured property, the cost of the insurance, the name of the insurance company assuming the risk and contact information.

What does conditions in a policy relates to? ›

Conditions typically relate to the commencement of the risk (including the date at which premium must be paid), the conduct of the insured during the currency of the policy and the claims procedure.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.