Tarun S. From Bangalore, Karnataka gets included by World Book Of Records, London (2024)

Tarun S. From Bangalore, Karnataka gets included by World Book Of Records, London

Master Tarun is World's Youngest Graphic Designer, Creative Space Designer, Game maker and an All Round Knowledgeable kid. The sign of a true artist is shown since childhood, where the child is seen doing things artistically and with a little observation. His talent can be figured out and can be honed up but when it comes to science and planetary knowledge, it is tough to detect the inclination since the childhood as in those formation years, kids are more into creativity than into understanding the complex structures and decoding the space in the Universe. Master Tarun S, on the other side of just 5 years, had begun showing phenomenal interest in space and computer science. He is amongst that top genius who began remembering and telling about the celestial objects at the tender age of just 1.2 years. Gradually he learnt animation and made games at the tiniest age of 3 years. Tarun is thus World's youngest Graphic Designer, Creative space Designer, Game Maker and an All Round Knowledgeable kid. World Book of Records, London appreciates his efforts and includes him in its Kids' edition 2021. Tarun's interest in celestial objects gradually moved to MS Paint, 3D animation and much software. With his dedication and perseverance, he finally made 80+ graphic images which look so professional that no one can take a wild guess that those are made by a 5 years old child. His process of animation includes making graphics on Various Software and then animating them. He also tries to explain the whole story and then ends it with finally playing or singing a song and gives the whole video a movie's feel.Few of his projects include- Meeting of planets by Mario and Luigi, Mario Bros Game Graphics, Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and a tour of solar system. With his out of the box thinking, he has made remarkable progress. His inclination towards space and planetary systems reached to honourable ISRO chairman - Dr. K. Sivan, where he was invited to ISRO headquarters. Little Tarun has been collecting laurels since his childhood and he was awarded for 'Smart Kids Asia Award' in Malaysia' at 1.2 years. He was also given as 'All Round Knowledge Kid award' and 'Youngest Talented kid with Extra-ordinary memory and self learning skill award". He is extremely talented, well balanced and super well behaved kid with a scientific bent of mind and with curiosity sitting on the tip of his tongue. His curiosity is his power and will take him to the pinnacles of success in this world.

World Book of Records “WBR”, To apply online please click here ...

Note: World Book Of Records, London (UK) appreciates honours and awards from different platforms, promoting motivation among people across the world.


Tarun S. From Bangalore, Karnataka gets included by World Book Of Records, London (2024)
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