You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 29, 2024

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Data visualization is the process of transforming data into graphical or interactive forms that can reveal patterns, trends, and insights. It can help you think critically about a complex dataset by making it easier to understand, compare, and communicate. In this article, you will learn how data visualization can help you with four aspects of critical thinking: asking questions, analyzing evidence, drawing conclusions, and communicating results.

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You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (1)

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  • Danilo S. Andrade Business Intelligence Analyst | Dev. Python | Data Analyst

    You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (3) 1

  • Renato Lemes Peixoto Analista de Quality Assurance Pleno

    You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (5) 1

  • Cesar Oliveira Data Science | Python | Pandas | Matplotlib | Machine Learning | Statistical Inference | A/B Test | Hadoop | ETL | SQL…

    You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (7) 1

You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (8) You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (9) You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (10)

1 Asking questions

Before you dive into a complex dataset, you need to have a clear purpose and a set of questions that guide your exploration. Data visualization can help you generate and refine your questions by showing you the overall structure, distribution, and relationships of the data. For example, you can use a histogram to see how the data is spread across different ranges, a scatter plot to see how two variables are correlated, or a map to see how the data varies by location. These visualizations can help you identify gaps, outliers, or anomalies that spark your curiosity and lead to more specific questions.

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  • Danilo S. Andrade Business Intelligence Analyst | Dev. Python | Data Analyst
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    Gerar a visualização das estatísticas descritivas sobre um denso conjunto de dados é a melhor forma de observar a distribuição da média em relação à mediana, outliers, e a variância dos dados.Ao gerar um gráfico 📈 de distribuição com essas medidas simples, será possível identificar a saúde dos dados. Exemplo: se a média estiver próxima a mediana é um indicativo de que a distribuição dos dados é simétrica, e ambas medidas podem ser usadas como tendência central. Mas se a média estiver afastada da mediana, é um indicativo de que existem pontos de outliers na distribuição que estão puxando a média pra cima ou pra baixo.Independente dos dados, comece sempre pela estatística.



    You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (19) 1

  • Renato Lemes Peixoto Analista de Quality Assurance Pleno
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    Expondo os dados de forma visual auxilia no entendimento. Ajuda na identificação de padrões, outliers e tendências. Simplifica a comunicação dos resultados, valida hipóteses e possibilita a exploração de diferentes perspectivas. Embora não prove causas, pode sugerir correlações significativas, promovendo uma análise crítica dos dados. Após a análise de possíveis correlações, a extração destes para um estudo mais profundo é facilitado.



    You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (28) 1

  • Cesar Oliveira Data Science | Python | Pandas | Matplotlib | Machine Learning | Statistical Inference | A/B Test | Hadoop | ETL | SQL | AI @Bradesco
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    As I see, plotting data goes beyond showing results and creating reports.Plots are useful to understand how the data behaves, how it is dispersed, it's distribution and many other characteristics that can be tricky to spot or even discover by simply looking at summaries and statistical tests.It can even be used to check the data distribution against a theoretical distributions and many others uses.

2 Analyzing evidence

Once you have your questions, you need to find and evaluate the evidence that supports or refutes them. Data visualization can help you analyze the evidence by making it easier to filter, sort, and compare the data. For example, you can use a bar chart to compare the frequency or magnitude of different categories, a line chart to show the change over time of a variable, or a pie chart to show the proportion of a whole. These visualizations can help you see the differences, similarities, and trends that reveal the strength or weakness of the evidence.

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3 Drawing conclusions

After you have analyzed the evidence, you need to draw logical and valid conclusions that answer your questions. Data visualization can help you draw conclusions by making it easier to synthesize, interpret, and test the data. For example, you can use a dashboard to combine multiple visualizations that show different aspects of the data, a heatmap to show the intensity or density of the data, or a tree map to show the hierarchy or breakdown of the data. These visualizations can help you see the big picture, the details, and the connections that inform your conclusions.

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4 Communicating results

Finally, you need to communicate your conclusions to others in a clear and convincing way. Data visualization can help you communicate your results by making it easier to present, explain, and persuade with the data. For example, you can use a story to guide your audience through a sequence of visualizations that illustrate your findings, a chart to highlight the key points or comparisons that support your arguments, or an interactive visualization to engage your audience and invite them to explore the data themselves. These visualizations can help you convey your message, your evidence, and your implications with the data.

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5 Here’s what else to consider

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Data Visualization You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (38)

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You're struggling to make sense of a complex dataset. How can data visualization help you think critically? (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.