Charles Harrison: The Black Industrial Designer Who Revamped View-Master - The Strong National Museum of Play (2024)

Charles Harrison: The Black Industrial Designer Who Revamped View-Master - The Strong National Museum of Play (1) Born in Shreveport, Louisiana in 1931, Charles Harrison spent his childhood playing with model airplanes and Erector sets. His father taught industrial arts and his mother decorated the home with a keen eye for design. Inspired by his parents, Harrison built different structures and mechanisms to make his toys move and lift. In an interview with Smithsonian Magazine, Harrison recalled, “I built a boat once—took it out to the pond, put it in there and it sank with me. That’s how you learn.” During the summers, he wandered experimental farms, laboratories, and woodshops at the universities where his father taught.

Graduating in 1954 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Harrison was drafted into the military where he was trained to be a cartographer and remap post-World War II West Germany. After his military service, Harrison returned to graduate school. Even with his degree, he struggled to find employment, but not for lack of skill. A manager at Sears, Roebuck, and Company informed Harrison that he would not be offered the position he had applied for, because there was an unwritten policy that the company did not hire Black people. But Carl Bjorncrantz, head of the Sears Design Department, noticed Harrison’s talents and gave him freelance work.

Charles Harrison: The Black Industrial Designer Who Revamped View-Master - The Strong National Museum of Play (2) During this time, Harrison also worked for Robert Podall and Associates. One of his assignments was to oversee the redesign of the 1939 View-Master, a portable photography viewer with three-dimensional pictures based on 19th-century stereoscopes, originally created by Harold Graves, president of Sawyer’s Photographic Services, and camera buff William Gruber. Harrison transformed the cumbersome device into a lightweight red plastic viewer that was instinctive to use. The last factor was especially important to Harrison because he had dyslexia. Harrison’s View-Master proved an immediate hit in 1959. In the Smithsonian interview, he recalled, “It happened to hit America at a time when it did a magical thing. It was low cost enough when I got done with it that they could buy it for children and let them play with it. They put these disks in with stories and they were attractive to children.” Simplicity and durability became a hallmark of his work.

In 1961, Bjorncrantz phoned Harrison with an offer for a full-time position at Sears. He took the job with the understanding that “the African American people were on the outside of American culture. . . . I accepted it as the way life was going to be, and that I’d learn to negotiate. And I did.” Harrison became the first Black leader for the design department. His work included transistor radios, the Jiffy-Jet hair dryer, barber chairs, power tools, toasters, and the first plastic trashcan, among hundreds of other innovative products that demonstrated the principle that form follows function. Harrison diversified the company’s portfolio, and confronted racism.

Following his tenure at Sears, Harrison taught at his alma mater, the University of Illinois, and Columbia College. In 2008, he became the first Black recipient of the Cooper Hewitt, the Smithsonian Design Museum’s National Design Awards program. While Graves and Gruber are credited with the creation of the View-Master, it was Harrison who turned it into an attractive and user-friendly toy that was celebrated as a classic by induction into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1999.

Charles Harrison: The Black Industrial Designer Who Revamped View-Master - The Strong National Museum of Play (2024)


What is Charles Harrison known for? ›

Among the more than 700 products that he developed were such items as baby cribs, portable hair dryers, hedge clippers, sewing machines of varying complexity, steam irons, riding lawn mowers, shoe buffers, portable turntables, blenders, circular fluorescent lightbulbs, electric frying pans, consumer power tools, coffee ...

Did Charles Harrison invent the View-Master? ›

In 1958 a young designer by the name of Charles “Chuck” Harrison redesigned the View-Master at the Chicago firm Robert Podall Associates.

Who created View-Master? ›

While Graves and Gruber are credited with the creation of the View-Master, it was Harrison who turned it into an attractive and user-friendly toy that was celebrated as a classic by induction into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1999.

What was Harrison most famous for? ›

William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773 – April 4, 1841) was an American military officer and politician who served as the ninth president of the United States from March 4 to April 4, 1841, the shortest tenure in U.S. history.

How did William Henry Harrison became famous during the War of 1812 what was his major victory during the war? ›

In the War of 1812 Harrison won more military laurels when he was given the command of the Army in the Northwest with the rank of brigadier general. At the Battle of the Thames, north of Lake Erie, on October 5, 1813, he defeated the combined British and Indian forces, and killed Tec*mseh.

Does View-Master still exist? ›

Beginning November 1, 2019, View-Master™ VR Starter Pack & Deluxe VR viewer will be discontinued, and various apps and services associated with the toy will be discontinued.

What is the oldest View-Master? ›

The view master was first introduced at the New York World's Fair (1939-1940.) Made by Sawyer's Photo Services, the device showed stereoscopic three-dimensional pictures. Originally intended as an educational device for adults, the view master soon become a popular children's toy.

What is another name for the View-Master? ›

Although more recent devices such as Realist-format 3D slide viewers, the View-Master, or virtual reality headsets are also stereoscopes, the word is now most commonly associated with viewers designed for the standard-format stereo cards that enjoyed several waves of popularity from the 1850s to the 1930s as a home ...

What does a View-Master look like? ›

The outer case for this early model, from the 1940s, is molded black Bakelite, a very early type of plastic. The unit is light, compact (approximately 4-1/4” x 3-1/2” x 3”), and easy for a child to handle. In order to operate the View-Master, a person inserts a special circular cardboard reel into a slot.

What was before View-Master? ›

To share intriguing pictures with your family and friends during the Victorian era, you would purchase stereoscope viewing cards and show them to people in your home. Call it the “Instagram” of the late 1800s. The scenes were taken with a camera that produced double-image cards.

Was Harrison a vice president? ›

Who succeeded William Henry Harrison to the presidency in 1841? ›

The presidency of John Tyler began on April 4, 1841, when John Tyler became President of the United States upon the death of President William Henry Harrison, and ended on March 4, 1845. He had been Vice President of the United States for only 31 days when he assumed the presidency.

Who was William Henry Harrison friends with? ›

His friends included George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry. Harrison grew up at Berkeley, a tobacco plantation owned by his family and farmed by enslaved African Americans.

Which relative of William Henry Harrison became president? ›

Benjamin Harrison (August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901) was an American politician who served as the 23rd president of the United States from 1889 to 1893.

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